The Wisdom button

Greetings in Light and welcome to the Wisdom department.
Let us hope it delivers that which it claims.

I finally am figuring out slowly slowly how to use this website platform. In the past I had someone help me set up this website, and I never took the time to learn how to use it. But now that is changing. I also had an issue with the store as it was having an issue with processing credit cards, and I didn’t know how to fix it. But, by the grace of some mysterious power I found that inner strength to fix that, so now we are going to get this thing rolling again.

Thank you for your most precious attention. May I be worthy.

Back to wisdom.

I just added that button on the website about half an hour ago. That is largely what I hope this website will bestow. After making the button, I decided that I should make a post. So, I reached within, looking for something to offer. But, I was feeling tired it seemed that I had nothing. I became quiet, and literally all I heard were crickets -that time of evening, that time of year-. But then I remembered something I listened to yesterday on Youtube. I was watching a youtube video and the guest was Dean Radin, someone whose research into ESP I have found interesting, and I tend to find his general demeanor to be likable. Towards the end of the interview the interviewer asked him what he thought leads to a joyful life that is worth living. He answered with saying “Follow your bliss”, a quote attributed to Joseph Campbell. He added further elaborating on what it involves and added some caveats. But, basically it was about finding what you love, what inspires you, what brings you joy, and to try to incorporate it into your life, in your work -if possible- and play -responsibly-…

While it might come across as common sense, or obvious, the way it was delivered evoked emotion and inspiration to my being.
If you want to see the video, check out:

That particular segment starts at minute 25:50

So, there it is, my borrowed piece of Wisdom!


Thank you,

May you Abide as Joy.